I loved the front cover of this book on "party games and amusements for young and old". The man on the front looks a bit like the man behind the curtain as the Wizard of Oz :) Anyhows when i opened the front cover and you will have to take my word on this because i don't have a photo But it reads Est. 1860 McGill's 183-5 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. I was surprised to not see an email address however - only joking :)

Attention all shoppers please note that Chrissy deco's are out in full force every shop is preparing for the silly season.

Most people have a fairy garden i thought Lily and i could start a "bear-y garden" she was stoked. Happy hunting baby buntings :)
Oooh, I'm going hunting for some vintage Christmas tree delights! I'm asking the Universe for some 'shiny brites'.....
Trust me there out there :)
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