Term break from school means time for an op shop binge! This week I hit six local ops (would have been seven, but one was closed). The Walter T. Foster sculpture book came from the odd little op shop on the corner of Kangaroo and Poath Roads in Hughesdale/Oakleigh - I can never remember it's name. Nothing is ever priced, but they're very reasonable; Sculpture for Beginners and the two poetry volumes below were a total of $2. I used to love the Walter T. Foster series when I was an art-obsessed kid and still have several - this one is lovely.

Two small volumes of the same book of sonnets by a Victorian writer, one I bought because it's number 3 in a limited edition of 100 copies and signed by the author - I hated to think of it languishing in the op shop after all the care of writing it. The second one may become some sort of altered book.

From the Oakleigh Centre Op Shop in Poath Road, a red hard sided suitcase for the laughable price of $2.50. I love the red outside and the blue checked lining paper. I've lusted after one (or more) of these for a while to store the bulging excess of art and craft materials in the studio.

Four pieces of sheet music from the Oakleigh Centre Op Shop in Huntingdale Road. They're dated between 1916-19, and the paper is lovely. The man behind the counter was chuffed that someone was interested in it, but I didn't have the heart to tell him no one will play this music but rather I wanted it for printing or drawing on :(
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