Tuesday, 30 September 2008
RSPCA Opshop
what i got today
Local Buys of the Day

This was a cute card I picked up in a store on Sydney Rd. I think it's adorable! I also got two clothing items:

The dress is from one of those more up-market vintage stores where they've already done the hunting for you, so it was alot more pricier than it probably should have been. It would probably fall into my "impulse purchases" catergory - in hindsight I probably should have left it as I don't think I'd wear it that often to warrant such a price. The other item is very cute! It's from the same store I got the card from. It's kind of a cropped jumpsuit, with pockets. I like the white detailing and the overall shapeless fit of the garment - I think I'll be keeping this one.
Check out my blog for more vintage buys and my daily rantings!
Monday, 29 September 2008
Frankston shopping!
Today I went out Frankston way to visit Mum.
My Mum is Queen of opshopping. She's taught me lots. Like me, her whole house is made up completely of opshop finds.
Every time I visit she runs around pointing out all her new stuff, and then when I say I like it, she's guaranteed to say "oppy!" as if I didn't know.
Opshopping is in our blood. Nan, Mum and I.
Mum says its because her family was poor when they lived in Scotland so they found best ways to get by. "Oxo cubes in water with bread to dip" was their dinners, and "sugar sandwiches for lunch".
It's great having two sets of eyes working for you! I love going to her house as she always has a pile of goodies waiting for me, and some home cooked meals too!
She has a sharp eye and knows my taste so its great having two people buying for one!
I was delighted to receive the message the other day saying "you can have pot"

I've wanted it for SO long.
Mum's not up with the technology. She's the kind of person who you can write a whole 2 page message to, and you will get this back... "ok"
Since mum discovered the beauty of picture messaging, I am forever getting them with items Mum's found to tease me, and also items that she's found for me.
I wanted to die when I got a picture of three watches that one person only just donated.
A genuine Chanel, Gucci, and CARTIER! So not impressed. $4 each.
This is what she had for me today.

Two Staffordshire tea cup sets.

A 50's tin Ashtray

Two egg cups, 'japan'

Fur hat
And this is what I bought.


Two pair of sweeeet flares. And they fit! Yee.


2 x Pillowcases

A macrame book. Don't gag yet, there's a pattern for these cute bags that I want to make.

See cute right?

Rad knitted tee! Currently being washed for immediate wear.

AMAZING crocheted poncho.

West Germany ceramic vase

And last of all this cute kettle.
My mum got hold of my camera and was loving taking photos and seeing them straight away.
She was running everywhere saying "Here, put my garden on your blog, put this on your blog, look how cute Bella is here etc." I have heaps of pics from mums house. I think a camera is on her Christmas list now. Then next is a computer. Wait till she discovers the world of eBay.
Here are a couple of pics from her house.

The view from mums front garden.

Cute frog

Drool. And that's only some.
The last thing Mum said to me as I hopped on the train was "Patricia turn your bag around, people can see that horrible macrame book"
I love my Mum.
Check out my other finds and stories at www.trishhunterfinds.blogspot.com
Eee thanks
Op shop last Thursday
Monday Op-ing
Today started out badly. I slept through my alarm by one hour and then in my groggy haste, I stepped smack-bang into a nice brown present my dog left for me on the porch. Lovely. I spent a few minutes cursing and wondering "why meeeeee?", before changing my shoes and then rushing outside.
I still managed to hit Dandenong, Footscray and Mont Albert, which is quite an achievement for a car-less lass. Dandenong yielded the best buys for the day. I managed to score three dresses, two of which I need to take up, and the the coolest oversized, black sequinned cardigan/cape.

For more vintage buys and ramblings, head to my blog: forevayoungvintage
Modern Finds
- St Vinnies Sunshine
- Uniting Care Church Opp Shop Sunshine
- Bargain Browser Tottenham
St Vinnies Sunshine
The store has been absolutely stocked for the Spring Racing Carnival. Hundreds of shoes, hats, bags and dresses are leaving the place overflowing. Definitely a must for anyone who's planning to go to the races, but wants to save some money for the grog there! I wasn't really looking for any outfits particulary, more miscellaneous items. Managed to find this leather bag engraved with flowers and made in India! In excellent condition and only $5, I was content.

Uniting Care Church Opp Shop Sunshine
Now this store is only about a 5 minute walk from the St Vinnies store, but the only problem is, it has very short opening hours, so be sure to check the times if you're planning a trip there. This was my second time to this store, and as per usual, my first target is the bag section. The great thing about this store is that it has an uptairs area dedicated to just books and bags (all at great prices). I managed to find this cute little clutch for $2. Went back downstairs to the clothes, only found one top, but for $2, I'm not complaining. The staff here are gorgeous; all the ladies are over 70. They stand behind the counter gasbagging about their school days and letting customers know that Angelina Jolie (they didn't know her name) wore an opp shop dress!

Bargain Browser Tottenham
I wasn't expecting much from this store, cause from last I remember, the prices weren't too flash. But somehow, I left the store spending just over $25. How did this happen? Well I had a quick squiz at the ladies section and managed to find a stack of clothing that looked like they'd never been worn. Brands such as Cue, Portman, Sportsgirl and Witchery popped up several times. Impressed as a I was, I went into the changing the room and walked out buying and arm full of clothing.
Everything I'm wearing in the picture, was bought at Bargain Browser (except for the belt which I bought at St Vinnies in St Albans for $1.50). Terrible modelling, I know, but just wanted you to see what the clothes looked like on.

Black high waisted bubble dress = $7
Grey cardigan = $5
White shirt = $3.50

Also bought this Sportsgirl skirt that still had its Sportsgirl tag on it (RRP $79.95), I couldn't resist for only $6.
Well that was my day, very pleased with the buys, and definitely looking forward to a whole week of holidays (and possibly venturing to some opp shops I have yet to venture upon)!
Don't miss out.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Tea Towels
Mornington Thrifting

I love leather jackets, they're so warm and have that comforting, peppery smell about them. I've toyed with the idea of getting one for ages and ages, however the insane prices of them in shops constantly put me off. As such, I am always on the lookout for them whenever I'm on a thrifting expedition, and up until today it's all been dismal and slim pickings. The nice ones get snapped up quickly and it's always the daggy, goth-type leather goods that get left behind.
Well, imagine my delight when I strolled into a small "mom and pop" thrift store in Frankston to see three hanging on a rack, being ignored by the other shoppers. It was almost like a mirage - I pratically ran accross the room so I could nab them before they disappeared. There were three all together, a black jacket and the two above. All of them were GORGEOUS, with the softest leather and in MINT condition.
I was very much tempted to keep them all but that's a bit greedy and I'm more of a "safe" dresser so I don't see how often I'd wear the grey one.
I think these vintage finds definately have topped the list. What about you - what are some of your best thrift finds?
For more vintage shopping bargains check out my blog: foevayoungvintage
Friday, 26 September 2008
Clearance Sale at Glenhuntly Op Shop
The Op shop on Glenhuntly rd, I think it is 1134 Glenhuntly rd is advertising a clearance sale. Not open Sunday and I think only half a day on Saturday.
While you are in the area worth checking out the Retro Homewares shop on the same side of the road but further away from the city, between the railway line and Grange Rd, fantastic 70's gear. Its not an Op Shop but worth just looking, great stuff, Orange and Lime green predominates.
Further down on the corner of Glenhuntly rd and Grange Rd is the Posh Op Shop. The prices on some items are higher than retail, hard to find a bargin but worth a try.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Op shop binge part 3

The binge nears it's end :)
Two more books above (yep, I have a problem), $1 each from Vinnies. The Shakespeared is destined to become an altered book, the one on Keats is for me to read. I have a bit of a thing for Keats. And biographies.

Not strictly an op shop find, but from the same trip I bring you the above book scored from Oakleigh library's sale trolley for 25c. It has a page or two torn out, but the images are cool. It's going into my stash of collage stuff. Hmmm, which ops to check out next?