Discover the joy of op-shopping.
You will:
a) not look like a clone
b) save heaps of moolah
c) feel an adrenaline rush like no other when you find something PERFECT
d) love the thrill of the hunt
Ok now I’ve got that out of my system…
Hey all you fellow op-shoppers, this is my first post on this great site and I can’t wait to share some of my most recent finds with y’all
See, for me the best part of op-shopping is actually sharing (not gloating :) )
The fruits of Saturday 9th February…
Authentic doc martens from The Salvos in East Doncaster $25.75 and so worth it

Silk ‘Chloe’ scarf, $3, Kew CMS Opportunity Shop

What I think are the hottest shoes alive, with a sensible high heel, made in Italy, black suede Senso heels, $6 from Kew, CMS Opportunity Shop

Goldy silver metallic leather belt, good vintage condition, $2 Kew, CMS Opportunity Shop

Chiffon ruffle bolero shrug thing, the pic does it no justice, $6 The Salvos in East Doncaster
I so wish I could have seen the photos but no sign of them on my screen. Is it just me?
Tish is gay.
No, no. I like your new shoes.
See you soon you little blog contributor girl.
Love gig,
Might be just you tui?? :) i dunno keep trying!! maybe open your browser with firefox instead of internet explorer or the other way round..
Those shoes are unbelievably hot.
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