It's really cool! I will post a pic on my blog of the picnic set my mum gave me - she found it at a 2nd hand store so it's not technically an op shop find. It's 50s red plastic and it looks like a space ship.
I am addicted to picnic sets. I can't NOT buy them. And then I leave my car unlocked and people nick them out of the boot - so really.. i think i'm the best picnic facilitator in Melbourne. Just stay away from my car, now won't you?
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salam kenal ya
That is just way too cool for words!!!!
It's really cool!
I will post a pic on my blog of the picnic set my mum gave me - she found it at a 2nd hand store so it's not technically an op shop find. It's 50s red plastic and it looks like a space ship.
I am addicted to picnic sets. I can't NOT buy them. And then I leave my car unlocked and people nick them out of the boot - so really.. i think i'm the best picnic facilitator in Melbourne. Just stay away from my car, now won't you?
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