What is it with petrol stations turning into op shops in my neck of the woods? First there was one in Kilmore, which lasted about two years, and as of a week or so ago there's this one in the main street of Romsey. The drive-through aspect is good for dropping off donations, though!
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HO ho - I love it! There are too many petrol stations anyway. And op shops are a kind of service station aren't they. They provide a service to people wanting to get rid of stuff, and a service to people wanting to buy stuff. That's service!
agree with Gina. I have only ever seen ONE petrol station op shop and that was on a cross N.S.W. country trip.
There was a great Salvos in an old garage and petrol station in Cootamundra, NSW.
There is a petrol station turned op shop on Inglis St in Ballan, Victoria (plus another op shop up the road, it's only a short shopping strip in a small town).
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