One of the things I look for in op shops are postcards, which I collect and swap. I do not mind if they have been preloved and written on. I recently bought a box of over 300 (mostly written on) from an op shop in Diamond Creek for $12.50 (they had a sign for 10 cents each) but I asked for a bulk price. (we did not count them prior. I would say they had all been the one family donation and I was so pleased that they had not been thrown out. Someone had gone to the trouble to cross out the names and address with a black marker - but I could read it anyway. Henceforth this collection will be known to me as my O'Meara sub collection. The earliest dated one I found was 1969.
I had to really contain my exitement as I left the shop.
So today another little coup at Savers Greensborough. They have now exteneded their wall system space - which they have gone into big time at Mill Park. I look for the stationery type bundles. The catch is - you do not always know exactly what you are going to get without undoing the 20 staples of the plastic bag it is all tied together with - but today for $3.99 I took the risk. Spied what I thought was at least one postcard in the bag - and the rest to me is a bonus/surprise when I get home. I have not photographed the 3 packets of textas (kept though) and other odds and ends I will recycle. I am ove the moon - over 14 beautiful art cards you would pay at least $2 each for at National Gallery and then about 10 similiar greeting cards (no envelopes) in perfect condition.
Looking for postcards invariably leads me to greeting cards but that is fine too.
Sorry for long winded post.
OH Great post! yes, postcards can be very interesting. Do you keep them in Albums or in boxes? Sorted by area? date? anything?
I got some very cute old Polish ones recently, love them.
Thanks Lyndel, I have them in boxes, arranged by countries, for Australia by state and then I have an art category.
Dammit! I had a box of postcards going back to my grandparents' time. Took it to one of those second hand bookstores that also sell cards, but they weren't interested. I can't remember what I did then - gave them away I think. I knew I should have kept them until the right person (Infolass!) came along!
lovely cards, great score! they can be so dear brand new in museum shops, and can make for such good small size art on walls. i am currently thinking of ways to display my (smallish) collection on the walls somehow.
here is an interesting idea of cramming a very large collection over an entire wall on re-nest/apartment therapy....
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