Friday, 6 June 2008

Bus Trip and other things.

Is there still going to be a bus trip organised? With Amelia disappearing off overseas very shortly, I'm wondering if (a) I've already missed it or (b) it is on somebody's back burner to organise? I've been through the posts again, and it seems to be Joanne's project.
This has to be one of the best and most informative blogs in Australian blogworld!There is an earlier post discussing the pros and cons of Savers. I don't care where their profits go to - and while some of their 'vintage' china is a bit over the top pricewise, I buy 99% of my clothes at the Greensborough shop (not underwear though). I'm not a brand name expert so the labels don't mean anything to me, but I always manage to find good quality well fitting clothes about $5 or under. Incidentally, they are not the only opshop/secondhand shop to overprice their china. I've found the Salvos opshops put ridiculous prices on some of their items, and I've been tempted to say "Are you an antique shop or an opshop?" There is a Lions Opshop in Healesville which also have over the top prices, probably because they get so much tourist trade up there and figure they can get away with it.


AMCSviatko said...

On a (vaguely) related subject: what is it with the adhesive on Savers price stickers? I went there for the first time last month on a trip to Melbourne and am still trying to get the stickers off the knitting needles I bought. What do they use: superglue?!

Amelia said...

Wow Gina, thank you for the compliments! Yes, I am off overseas shortly for 12 months but the beauty of the internet will allow me to keep an eye on the blog.

Jayne said...

Heard on the grapevine 18 months ago that the Salvo's had bought an old knitting mills in Sunbury and turned it into a commercial laundry to wash the donated clothes.
Then they petitioned for a parliamentary bill to be passed that all second-hand clothing must be washed before being offered for sale, from every single op shop.
The over-pricing seems to be spreading, the dealers and internet have let the op shops in on the potential value of goods but there's still a few that sell stuff at extremely cheap prices- just got to hunt for them!

Anonymous said...

The thing I've always liked about op shopping is that if you're willing to sift through the dross, fit in with their sometimes odd opening hours, and ignore the old-clothes smell, you can occasionally score a bargain. But if op shops are going to charge antique shop prices, I think they need to deliver antique shop service and ambience, too.