Tuesday, 29 January 2008
the simple things....

Sunday, 27 January 2008
Salvos, Oakleigh

They were published as hardcover books in the late 1960s with a particularly lurid mustard yellow cover and I remember my Mum had a well thumbed set. Golden Hands was also published in a magazine "collect one each week and get your free binder with edition 1" format, which is what excitedly uncovered a month or so back. They are in amazing condition, with all 70 magazines in place, with all pull out patterns and leaflets unused.

Although some of the creations are a bit questionable (ie. the Beefeater pjama bag above), the patterns, tips and instructions are fantastic. I find the great thing with this series is the wide variety of crafts covered - knitting, sewing, crocheting, embroidery, etc.
Another one of my favourite buys from this store is this pretty pressed glass bowl which I think was about $5.00.

Last week this store had an Alannah Hill lurex knit top for $14.75. I think from memory it was a size 14.
Friday, 25 January 2008
Hmm, does Savers deserve its op shop status? Perhaps I'll put a little note in there about their commercial arrangements. Debate welcome in the comments!
Llama tie

Australians all, let us rejoice, for we wipe dishes clean!
Amelia posted her Tassie teatowel earlier this week, so I thought I'd continue the Australia Day theme and add a few of my finds to the blog. I love Australiana, and usually the more kitsch, the better. As one of my sidelines is making handbags, I've turned many a pretty souvenir teatowel into a nice colourful bag with a retro feel. And as Amelia pointed out, the quality of the fabric is usually excellent.
Here's a couple of bags:

Kanga tote from a 1974 teatowel.

Bag made from a souvenir teatowel from the Pinnacles, WA. (Ended up with more flowers on the bag than Pinnacles.)
I've got a few more linen souvenir teatowels kicking around in my fabric stash...I'll try and dig them out for Monday.
Here's some more recent scores, I think all of these came from Frankston Savers.
Some cheeky cockies, 50s or 60s I'd say.
Koalas and wildflowers, off to a friend in Arizona for her collection.
And for the same friend, an apron: This one is modern and says "Made in India", but has printed on the front "designed in Australia by Buck Marketing."
I'm a big fan of native plants, they dominate my garden and my favourites are banksias. So I was stoked to find this yesterday:
I know I've got a couple of other souvenir silk scarves somewhere, finding them will be my task for the weekend. Any suggestions as to what to use them for, given the fact that if I tie one round my neck I feel somewhat like an air hostess?
As I collect vintage linen, I'm always excited to find Aussie themed examples of stitching, and am still sulking about missing out on a traced linen tablecloth with blue wrens and gum blossoms that I couldn't buy from Savers due to lack of funds. Yep, of course it was gone when I went back. But I've found other pretty things:
Mr. Koala doiley, given the style of the background, I'm guessing this is from the 40s.
And speaking of Mr. Koalas, here's Sid. Technically he doesn't belong here as he didn't come from an oppy, but from a nature strip in Narre Warren. Now he's an ornament in my front garden, facing towards the lounge room window. However I had to share him as he's such a treasure!

Happy Australia Day peeps, and let's raise our beer glasses to the souvenir buyers of the past whose hoarding allows such op-shopping joy!
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
When good crafting goes bad...
However, clothing was looking for me, and as I walked past the end of the row of ladies jackets, this little beauty jumped out at me:

You know that thing in cartoons where the character's eyes widen, pop outta their sockets on stalks and then wrap around each other a few times before reversing the whole process... well, my eyes did that. OMG! The humanity!
The back view didn't improve matters:

My first thought was, to quote Wayne: "It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine." When I took it to the counter, the assistant looked at me quizically, and I couldn't stop myself from trying to explain, saying "I plan to deconstruct it." This just caused her to furrow her brow and continue to look puzzled. So scary jacket and I headed home, my head filled with visions of a previous owner taking it on the Seniors bus trips, perhaps wearing it to the Bingo, and on Bowls presentation night. And then I tried to imagine the various embroiderers and how they'd react if they saw the current resting place of their handiwork. The oldest piece attached was labelled in satin stitch "duster tidy" and must have been from the 1930's (or older). They silently screamed at me all the way home, so as soon as I got through the front door, I had to show my husband the horror and immediately set to removing them from their jacket hell and letting them be free again.
Thanks to a nice husband that cooks dinner, three and a half hours on the couch later, I had unpicked 11 doileys, and then decided I'd had enough for the night. They were lined up on the back of the couch, and I nicknamed them "The Liberated Doiley Front"... here's a crappy-taken-with-the-flash picture:

Only one of them had been wrecked by being cut up for the "achy breaky" style shoulder and back upper panels.
As I write, they're all taking a nice bath in some Velvet soap-y water. I plan to add the prettiest ones to my collection, and inspired by Amelia's post, add the others to my Doiley Quilt Project.
Remember, friends don't let friends make and wear stuff like this (even in 1985!)
Disclaimer: My apologies if I've offended you greatly because you own, wore or made one like this anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Sorry.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
My first time
Anyway i thought i'd show you what i managed to pick up from The Brotherhood of St Lawrence in Bentleigh this past week. It's my favourite local op shop, it always has something for me when i go in there and it's nice and big, perfect for pushchairs!
First i picked up this denim skirt from the 50c rack,
i LOOOOOVE sewing patterns and collect them, especially those that are pre 60's, which these obviously aren't but will most probably be made and worn (as soon as i have my pre pregnancy figure back!).
Lunchtime op-break
The first oppy I went to was St. Vinnie’s in Seaford, it’s tucked away in a suburban shopping strip, and is quite dinky. Their speciality seems to be clothes, and maybe books. There wasn’t much in the way of nice old china or homewares (which are my favourites.) However the prices were dirt cheap and the little craft rack yielded all this:

Which added up to $2.50, but the nice woman behind the counter let me have it for $2.40 as that was all the change I had in my wallet. I was stoked to find a Semco traced doiley – barely worked and with holes for crochet edging which I might have a go at doing. Also there was the folder and first volume of ‘Discovering Needlework’ which was a weekly “how to” magazine, with transfers, a free kit, and lots of ideas. I used to have almost the whole set of these, 5 or 6 folders worth, and in the early 90’s, picking this up in the newsagency got me keen on stitching again. (By the way, if any of you Melbournians picked up 5 or 6 folders from the op-shop, with the transfers and kits mostly used, yep, they were mine. I foolishly turfed them back in 2003.)
So all in all, I was pleased with my scores there. I grabbed the zipper basically because I liked the packaging, and the slogan on the side “disaster-proof”! Ah yes, I’ve had a zipper disaster involving a vintage burgundy velvet dress and going to a gig at The Old Greek Theatre. Should’a had one of these.
Now on the other hand, the Seaford Brotherhood shop was somewhat disappointing. Just around the corner from the Nepean Hwy and the Seaford shops, it’s a reasonable size, but again, mostly clothes (oh and a nice collection of dodgy LP’s). At the moment I’m not really buying clothes due to my giant arse issues, so I can’t really say if there was any gold there. But it was quite busy, there were about 5 or 6 women under the age of 40 seriously looking for new threads. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing – that is, they could be either buying all the “good stuff” or because my definition of “good stuff” differs from most of the population, they might be leaving things I like such as old 60’s frocks and 50’s coats behind, so that would be great. Anyway, I promise next time I pop up that way, I’ll have a good fossick and re-evaluate.
map of tassie

I bought this lovely linen tea towel actually at an op shop in Tasmania. It's designed there, made in Poland and is just one of the several linen tea towels that I have found at various op shops. I do like the absorbency of the pre-loved linen and particularly love the design on this one.
Monday, 21 January 2008
The eyes have it

Some single bed sheets caught my fancy, and when I saw the matching/contrasting pillowcase (right) I knew they were mine. I think they will soon become a little girl's set of clothing.

I have never seen buttons or eyes like these, and even though I don't have a project in mind for them I simply had to buy a few. I'm agonising over whether to go back and get the rest of them. What is this called? Hologram? Not quite, eh? But the eyes open and shut depending on the angle from which you're looking at them. Very fun.

Sunday, 20 January 2008
frock anyone???
It's one of those real hit and miss affairs, waiting patiently to discover a forgotten gem.
Going for ages and coming away with nothing, such is this game we all play!
I struck it pretty lucky on Friday though with 4 amazing dresses in one place and for only $2 a piece.

Both are tiny sizes and I would have to have several ribs removed and lose about 30 kgs to even try them on.
I think I will keep them for the girls to wear to their first dance or fancy party or just to dress up and swan around!
The huge amount of pleating and pin tucking with starchy yellow polyester makes my heart sing!!
Not sure of their ages as I'm pretty shocking at dating this kind of thing.
Now to some frocks that actually fit! All from the same shop Vietnam Vets Op Shop, Erica St Boronia. Both handmade from what I can make out.

And finally a watermelon georgette beauty,I think this one is begging to be worn to church!
So I may go for months or even longer before i hit it this lucky again, and that's fine by me!!
love fi
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Tea, anyone?

Seeing as I was already out that way, I thought I would cruise along the Watsonia shopping strip to see what other oppies were in the area. I found three: the Salvation Army, the Red Cross and I think it’s the Brotherhood of St Lawrence which is in the church. (All of these are within I reckon 50m of each other. These are in the google map as well.)
And at the Brotherhood I discovered the perfect way to get further discounts on already dirt cheap stuff: I was at the counter looking through some vintage cards, and the woman behind the counter asks me politely, “So how far along are you?” I reply, flatly, “I’m not pregnant.” She looked so embarrassed, it was hilarious. Now I am not a fat woman, but after three children and an extreme case of laziness, let’s just say I carry around a happy little pot. I reckon she halved the total cost of my purchase!

Again, the cardstock is really flimsy, but there are TWO of them!

Wednesday, 9 January 2008
primrose pringle

It's made by Pringle of Scotland "by appointment to her Majesty the Queen" and cost $10. It's lovely and soft and has grosgrain ribbon trim on the button band. That's something I love about op shopping - you can afford to buy things that you otherwise wouldn't risk. You can also buy things that you otherwise wouldn't end up anywhere near under normal shopping circumstances (I could open my own Supré store with all their stuff that I find in the op shop but that's another story altogether).

I bought this fabulous blouse a few weeks ago from the Salvation Army. I find it very difficult to get blouses that fit me well, without, er, straining across the front and as such spend my life in t-shirts. This one, however, is perfect. Rusty is a surf and streetwear label that I would never have considered otherwise. Thank god for the Salvos!
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
The thrifting thrill.
Everyone had their arms full of Salvo's good stuff. As we were standing in line waiting to pay I was fossicking through the bargain bins. Just look what I found...
It was just a calico folder - nothing special. When I opened it & saw this Strawberry Shortcake stationery I squealed with delight. I'm young enough (just) to remember when Strawberry Shortcake first hit the scene. I got her show bag at the Royal Melbourne Show that year & I had the shoelaces in my Dunlop Volleys.
My big girl said to me: "Mum, do you always do that when you find things you like in Oppies?"
Me to big girl: "Do what?"
Big girl to me: "Squeal & dance around like you need to go to the toilet!"
The thrill of a great op shop find is surely worth a little squeal & dance.
I can't believe I never knew
Check it out: 108-130 Diamond Creek Road, Greensborough. Open Tues-Thurs 9am-3pm.
Monday, 7 January 2008
Little gem for DH

Wednesday, 2 January 2008
pimping my ride..