Friday 7 October 2011

Quilt UFO.

This morning while sorting goods at the opshop, I came across this unfinished quilt. It has had the batting and backing attached, and has had some hand quilting done, so it needs the quilting and binding to finish. I wouldn't be able to do those final steps, but I bought it anyway ($10) to send to a lady who takes in partially made quilts to finish them off and distribute to needy people via the Red Cross and other charities.

(Our cat Tiger kept walking in front of the quilt while I was taking photos, and I just left him there after the third shot!)


secondhandrose said...

Wow, that is lovely! All that work ending up at the op shop. Glad you were able to rescue it and will forward it on to a good cause.

Erin said...

that's a great rescue! and for a quilter it will be a breeze to finish it up from there. I think all pictures should have kitties in them. He's very cute.

Fourth Daughter said...

I want more pics of Tiger!! What a cutie!

valuespotters said...

Great rescue. More pictures, please...?