Top up your cuppa and put your feet up; this is going to be a longish post. I am in East Malvern once a month, and try to visit opshops in that area if I have time (and I'm sorry, but I forgot to check out the new opshop in Glenferrie Road that was mentioned here earlier). Today I had some time up my sleeve and decided to visit all the opshops in High Street Road Ashburton, and photograph them from the outside, so if any readers are looking for them, they'll know what to look for. (Lyndal, you need not read any further, LOL)
My first stop was at the Salvos, 205 High Street Road. Tidy attractive shop, but nothing caught my eye today.

Next stop was Vinnies at No.252.

Here I found this sugar bowl for $5. I bought it for a friend who has a set of plates and mugs in this design, and is always pleased when she can add another piece to her collection.

Across the road is the Ashburton Opshop (I think they service local charities, not any of the big ones). It was very busy in there, with kids running amok; I felt sorry for the ladies who were trying to serve customers as well as keep an eye on the brats.

I found three kitchen chair cushions for $4 each, which I was very pleased with, as I have been looking for replacements for our old ones for some time. Aren't they cheerful! Ken said "They don't go with our kitchen" and I said "I don't care - they brighten it up."

Also bought some books - the Menopaws book was $1 and good for a giggle, and the other three were 3 for $1.

My last stop was at No.403 - the very end of High Street Road, near Warrigal Road. The Salvation Army Opshop (with a sign inside saying they are not connected with the Salvos???)

I always find some goodies here, and today they were having a half price sale or something because when I took my two bits to the cashier, she halved the marked price.
This is a scarf for a friend in Canada who collects souvenir scarves. If she doesn't want it, I'll just recycle it in our opshop - it was only $2.

This is a carry bag for keeping food and drinks cold. We've got several at home already, but don't you just love the rainbow colours on this one! Couldn't resist it for $4, especially when I only paid $2!