Monday 11 August 2008

I love mondays...

Usually on a monday afternoon, I have a tiny bit of time to myself... no hubby... no kids... just myself and my op shops! It's my therapy for the week.

Some mondays I come home weighed down with a mountain of goodies. Other days I return empty handed. Either way, I love my monday afternoons.

Because it's only an hour or two I tend to stick to my local op shops in Sunbury. Today's finds were at Vinnies.

Firstly I was looking for some reading material. I felt in the mood to tackle a biography of some kind... lots of searching through the shelf labelled BIOGRAPHIES (gotta love an organised op shop) and I came up with this book. I wouldn't really have classed it as a biography, but it looks interesting none-the-less. Goodbye $2

a stitch in time

And then at the counter, just as I was leaving... I spotted this adorable little purse. $1 and it will make my daughter's day.

bead purse


Gina E. said...

Oh that is a pretty purse! I bet your daughter loved it. Organised opshops are a treat, aren't they! I guess the ones that look like huge junk shops can be fun, but as far as books go, I think it's much better if they are on shelves in categories. Still, they have to have a dedicated staff to do that, and some of them are too old or too lazy to care sometimes. I don't mean to be rude about old people; I'm saying that some of the elderly volunteers are on their own and it is too much for them.

Miss Frugal said...

I love that bag so pretty and cutsy well done