I like to think of myself as a collector of objects that relate nothing to each other except the fact that they are owned by me.
The first object I’d like to share with you is an object I went looking for. It’s my Purple bike (recently named the purple people eater). I thought that I would be able to ride to Uni during summer since I don’t live far away from it however I didn’t count on the fact I can’t really ride a bike well. Plus it’s to cold to walk let alone ride a bike anywhere!
It was $95 but I haggled it down to $85 at my local cash converters! Still I love it and I feel pretty pimp when sitting on it! it has a very kitchy look to it and i love the colour!
Thanks, for reading my post! I will try to post at least monthly!
I love the Purple People Eater!
Hey dude,
Your bike's King Disco!
From Brittany
lurve the bike! look forward to reading about your other finds, and I'm off to check out your blog
Dude if I had a bike as rad as that we could ride and hold hands and be the coolest kids in school!
hi i love this bike it brings back memories its just so 70's a collectors item almost! almost :) well done
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