I should ask the people at this opshop if I could take some photos - it really is a delightful opshop - clean and spacious, a good variety of stock (MILLIONS of books!) all very reasonably priced. I was driving past yesterday and decided to drop in, as I remembered there was a box of cookery magazines in the boot of my car, waiting to be given away at the first opportunity. They seemed happy to receive them, as the guy who took them from me remarked that they were getting more craft magazines than anything else. Whoo hoo - did my ears prick up! I shot over to the magazine shelves, and there they were - boxes and boxes of quilting, patchwork, embroidery, cross stitch, scrapbooking, etc. magazines - all at 50 cents each!
I sat on the cold concrete floor for about 20 minutes, rifling through them to try and find ones that I don't already have. That was most of them, so in the end I just bought a dozen. I've gone through these and decided which ones to keep, and I'll take the others back in a day or so, and grab another armful to take home. If there are still heaps left when I go back, I might buy a box full. I just love looking through those magazines, and it would be worth $20 to get 40 magazines on the offchance I might find a project that I would actually make!
While I was there, I had a look at everything else of course, and was delighted to find two items that I do actually need! A pair of women's leather boots for $6 which are a perfect fit (the cat didn't come with the boots, by the way).

Not for wearing out and about - no, these are going to be my garden boots. My old rubber garden boots finally fell apart and I have been searching for another pair for about a year.
These two glasses for 50c each will replace one that I broke recently. I keep this style of glass in the kitchen for day to day use, rather than use the better quality glasses in the crystal cabinet, as these are easier and cheaper to replace!