They have re-organised their team of volunteers and asked me to work on Friday mornings instead of Monday afternoons, and that's fine by me. Now that I've had a taste of it, I'd be happy working in there every day; it was like Xmas opening up all those bags and boxes that people brought in! I was very good, and only pounced on two items! I took home a red jumper, a set of Aussie design coasters, a DVD and a patchwork chook. The coasters and DVD were already on the shelves, and I found them before I started working, but when the chook turned up in a donated bag, I begged to buy it immediately!

In the morning, before I went to the BSL, I had to go to a shop in Greensborough, just near Savers, so of course I had to pop in and see what was on offer.
I found these goodies:

Multi-coloured pattern 43" wide, one yard long, $2.99.
All in all, I was a happy little Vegemite :-)