Yesterday, I took a box of unwanted stuff to Savers at Greensborough, and while I was there....2 hours later I'd spent nearly $50, and came home with these:
Aboriginal Art tablecloth for $9.99. Wish I'd found this before our Australia Day party!

I like to have a small bowl handy on the kitchen bench to pour sauces, whisk an egg, and other small jobs. I've had many - they get broken! So this will do nicely for $1.99.

Now this was a bargain - an Arcosteel saucepan with glass lid for $19.99! The last saucepan I had in this size was okay, but the handle was loose and couldn't be fixed. And it wasn't a good quality pan like this!

I've already got one of these Patchwork rules, but it is quite large, so this one which cost 99 cents, will be good for smaller projects.

I don't really need any more platters, but this Maxwell Williams platter ($4.99)matches the two (different sizes) that I already have in this design, so I'll get rid of some of my other platters that don't match anything.

Several people picked this up and looked at it, and put it down again, while I was thinking about it. It is a beautiful leather covered journal, completely unused - $2.99. I don't know what I'll do with it - anyone got some ideas?

This 'Lonely Planet' shoulder bag ($1.99) will be great for the days I only need to carry my wallet, keys and mobile. My larger bag that holds all the extra things that a girl has to have on a day out is too big for a quick trip to the supermarket, and I've been looking around for something like this.

As if I haven't got enough books on Cross Stitch and Calligraphy...but for a couple of dollars each, why not...

When I saw this teatowel for $1.49 I decided it would be perfect to cut up and use for making my Valentine fabric postcards!