Thursday 22 October 2009

A good day at Savers in Greensborough.

Some days I go into Savers and come out empty handed (but with money still in my wallet). Today was different. I went in with one purpose in mind - to buy a single bed flannelette sheet to use as backing on a small patchwork quilt I'm finishing off. I found a suitable sheet for $3, but just along the same row, I saw this patchwork singlebed quilt for $19.95, and I just could not leave that behind! It is just right for our spare room, where I had a smaller quilt which didn't cover the bed, but look at this - perfect! I've just thrown it across the bed without pulling it down over the side but you can see why I grabbed it!

Well, after that I had to keep looking, didn't I? Didn't want to risk not finding any more bargains like these two tablecloths:
A gingham-style check supper cloth with some nice cross stitch and a gorgeous hand crocheted edging for $6.

This has to be the most enormous banquet cloth I've ever seen! I think it is one of those mass-produced Chinese cloths, but nevertheless, beautifully hand stitched. You can't see how big it is in this photo where I've tried to spread it on the floor; it would have been better if I'd hung it on the clothes line, or thrown it over our QS bed, but even then. For $19.95 it was a steal! I've seen these go on eBay for about $60!


Melissa Ellen, Honeybee Toys said...

great finds, I love Savers. I got a great denim Laura Ashley skirt for $6 a few months back

sarah { abeachcottage } said...

wow you got some great the motto

Gina E. said...

I was remaking that spare bed after the cat messed it up, and discovered the price tag which I'd forgotten to take off the quilt before I put it on the bed. It wasn't $19.95 as I posted above - it was $9.95! Even more of a bargain than what I'd thought!