Saturday, 10 March 2012

BSL Eltham, Friday.

Do you ever wonder what you have missed when you haven't visited your favourite opshop after a few days? I do, but I don't worry about it, otherwise I'd be there every day, and that wouldn't be hard, seeing the shop is at the other end of my street! I just stick to my Friday morning, and I spend less money that way. Only $25 worth of goodies yesterday.
A length of flannelette with kittens, $6.60.  Don't know what I'll do with it yet, but something will turn up.

A stunning embroidered cloth, $14. It is very similar to one that my MIL brought back from China for me about 25 years ago - different design but same colour threads.

Marlene Dietrich  CD, $1.  I love her voice.
Natty little book for 50c - it has lots of interesting tips.
Two craft mags, 20c each.
I also bought six pairs of plastic ear rings for 50c a pair, to use for embellishing crazy quilt patchwork, but forgot to photograph them.

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